Tuesday, July 16, 2013


[Up the stairs to view the city...]

So catchup. I have been having too much fun and not broadcasting enough, I guess. I just found this old post that I didn't actually finish (and therefore didn't post), so I'll write a quick summary and move onto bigger and better things.

The pic above is of us at a person's home that we met from church. They are gov't people I think. They have an awesome house down at the end of Rainbow Street. This pic is of their courtyard thingy. Their house wraps around it and they have a nice center area to relax in. Quite nice. I think I'll put one in me own house one day.

[This is what we find. Very nice!]
The view was spectacular. 

Moving on! We went to Ajloun and Umm Qais. This was like two or three weeks ago, I think. Ajloun houses a nice castle up on a hill. Pictures tell all!

[The approach]

[Me and my habibi Mark inside the castle]

[Outrageous ceilings]
Then we went to Umm Qais, which is pretty much the closest Jordanian soil to Syria and Israel, located right by the Sea of Galilee. Old Roman ruins and such. Mark and I made sure to take several modeling photos in case all of the male GQ models get assassinated. Or maybe it was the G6 models, I don't remember. Anywho, you never know when you'll need to beef up your portfolio, right?

[Exhibit A]

[And B (we don't actually know what models do when people take their pictures. obviously)]
And then nature called, so we went to the bathroom. And we found the most beautiful bathroom EVER! This is the sink where you wash your hands. The wall in front opens up into the clear sky and plants are growing all around. You can see blue skies and feel the gentle breeze... It was very relaxing. 
[It was like meditating and peeing at the same time]
And then there was this cool spot where they had black columns and white columns from an old temple. It was awesome.

[Waaaaay cool color shkeeem]
Short and sweet. Just like a shot glass of mint tea.

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